Sunday, September 26, 2010

Getting Ready for Halloween and Day of the Dead!

 I am getting ready for Halloween and Day of the Dead.
I did this skull awhile ago. I am painting some plastic pumpkins also.

Last year I saw Suzi Blu and Alisa Burke painting skulls. So I did my version of a painted skull for the Mexico holiday "Day of the Dead"If you ever want to take some on line classes these are the girls to take them from. I have never taken any Alisa Burke but I have heard great things about her. If you go on her blog she is very generous with her art and she discusses a lot of recipes(which I don't cook)  and sewing (which I am still a little frightend)
And  Suzi Blu. Ahhhh I Love Suzi Blu. She is the funniest most entertaining of all my blogs that I follow. She is just herself which I love. She makes me laugh. Her website is Or you can go on Youtube and watch her videos. She is just a funny little girl from NJ traveling around in her Gypsy Wagon(aka trailer).
 Love Suzi Blu.
If you are interested in taking any art classes there are so many people on the internet giving coarses. So many that I don't know them either. Just keep on searching you will find someone teaching the kind of art you are interested in. Everyone likes different art. What speaks to me might not necessarily speak to you. Just do what you feel.  If you really love art try it! Take a coarse. Just do it!!

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