I Know I Know they are bad. But they are meant to be exercises. I am willing to show you bad art. This is what keeps me warmed up. Right!
The top is someone that I admire. That love or hate her, you have to admit that she changed this world for the good.
The other is just an idea for a Wizard of Oz painting. I have to add the Lion. He may just be by himself because he is special. I have a thing for lions because I am a Leo you know!
Also I wanted to discussed unfinished art!! I have so many paintings started and never finished. I am working on one today that I started last Valentine's for my husband. But I never finished. (I will show you sometime this week) I always have 10 paintings going on at a time. So these are some that I am going to work on. The above I am going to add a bird and other good stuff. The one below I don't know what I am going to do yet. It may be totally different then what I started it out as.
Other news Steve is removing the wall paper from the hall way in the upstairs. Steve is a contractor. It comes in pretty handy. But did you ever hear the saying "The shoemakers kids never have any shoes" (or something like that) Last thing he wants to do when he comes home. What a pain! But it has to be done. Underneath it was a name and date of the person that put the wall paper up in 1961. Pretty cool.
Richard Ritter 1961
I think that is pretty cool. He wanted someone to know he was there. That he existed.
Love that!
I wish he was around now because that wallpaper held up pretty good for being 50 yrs old. To good! Poor Steve's arms!!!
Well see you later !!!!
Bad art??Don't think so!!:)
But a huge hug for posting art that you're not feeling is "up there", as that takes courage and is much appreciated .....so lovely to see you sharing your ALL!:)
My "significant other" is a carpenter by trade..you'd think we'd have a house requiring no DIY at all...lets not mention then the stair building that has been 3 years in the making!! :)x
When my parents decorated I always used to write on the walls under the paper. There are notes under the floorboards too! I'm intrigued by all those drawers opposite Steve - boy I would love to fill those with all my knick-knacks (or do you spell it nick-nacks??).
Your house looks so beautiful in the snow - like something out of a fairy tale!!
Great drawings, love the top one! I also like the paintings you started, the brown in going to be pretty, love the color palette. Cool, that that guy left behind his name!
I love reading your posts. Even though I have never met you, I can hear your voice in them an d they always make me laugh and smile. Your "bad" skecthes are great becasue they have energy an d life and movement..and i love the secretunderneath the wallpaper...thanks for sharing your amazing self with us!
What a great sketch on top, and the second one just looks like a lot of fun! Great story about the wallpaper too, I love the thought that you have a bit of history under that paper.
Heather the sketches are not bad, but I know we are our own worst critics. The sketches are great! I feel for your husband, wallpaper is a ___ to remove, especially old wall paper.
don't know what bad art you're talking about, great sketches this week! Interesting discovery under the wallpaper too, a bit of history.
Your sketches are good and I hope you get time to finish your other paintings! I feel sorry for your poor husband..it's so hard to take down wallpaper!
I instantly thought of Oprah when I see the first drawing, perhaps her face is too familiar to me
oh what a great drawing. As soon as I saw it, it made me smile :)
What a great idea... love the plans for the Oz one, its wonderful.
Your sketches are wonderful! Love them both.
I love the feeling of finishing a piece of art, have fun working on that valentine!
I love your sketches and especially love your paintings. Your color sense is just amazing. Just remember - the only 'bad art' is the art we don't commit to paper.
Umm... if those are bad sketches, then mine are horrendous!! I love the POP of color in your paintings... what do you use?
I would love to play with you someday! And aren't you the one who said that you always wanted this house since you were very young? This makes it even more special--I love that!
They are brilliant sketches - love the wizard of oz characters
Your portrait came out very well. The facial features really sing!
this is not bad art at ALL!!! Love the sketch, of course i recognize her...you know, it's true....some days i really like her...others not so much! ha ha ha
great Oz, sketch, too....would love to see you finish that one.
and btw, i would love to have the built in drawers there in your hallway...how cool!!!
Such a wonderful variety of beautiful things to look at this week, Heather! I can't wait to see where you go with your paintings :)
Wish my bad art looked like that...they are great..We took are class to see the Wizard of Oz two weeks ago...it was in French...weird...except the songs...The kids and my colleague the teacher thought it was really funny when I clicked my heels and burst into over the rainbow and if only I had a heart.. hope your husband has left a message on the wall too.....
These sketches are great. I recognized the famous one right away. You really captured her spirit. And brava to you for being willing to show us bad art, although I don't see any on this blog.:-)
Your drawings and paintings are wonderful (definitely NOT bad, but I know about reluctance to show what we're not 100% satisfied with).
So cool that you found the message beneath the wallpaper. There was one when we took some wallpaper down, too, but I didn't photograph it and can't remember what it said. Exciting to be moving forward with your house projects!
Hey naughty you for saying "bad art"! and I love the wall art/scribbles too. I found drawings and words that my brother and I had written from over 20 years ago when my parents had their hallways redone also. xx
Never bad art! I've found over the years that even the stuff I think I have done that falls short is someone else's fascination!
Loving the textile-feel of those two images above Mr. Paper Scraper!
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