Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday Sketches and My Last Circle Journal Piece

This is a sketch I did of my cat TJ (No longer with us). He would sit there and watch Nelly's goldfish. This is in honor of TJ. I love that cat.
(Come and joins us at Sunday Sketches hosted by Sophia)

This is my last circle journal page. This is for Nelly's journal.
I will be handing it over to her as soon as she gets back from Florida.
Circle is complete.
Her theme was  LIFE IS BETTER WHEN......

I love my Nelly Bell!

This circle journal was the first time I did anything like that.  It really made me stretch my creative brain so to speak.   I couldn't wait to get the next journal every month to see what the theme was and what everyone else had done. It was so exciting.  I will show everyone my journal. Page by page. My theme was Song Lyrics. I should start sometime next week with the first one.
I will be seeing some of the people that I did this with in April at Artfest. I can't wait to see there completed journals. 
Thank you Shonna, Bev, Nancy, Barb, Linda, Deb, Jonna, Heidi, Nelly!! What a great experience!


That is me on the Crescendoh/Jenny Doh blog!!!!
Best of Art Journaling!!!
I am so honored!  Right beside Elsie Flannagan
One of these days I will tell you my ART SAVES story.
It truly does!!!


m7 said...

really really full of life. . . :)

Diane said...

Oh, I cannot wait to see your journal!!
P.S. And love that sketch--did he really get that close to the bowl?--how cute!

JDConwell said...

You caught the alert tension in the cat's posture just right...awesome.

Marlene said...

I love the cat, I can visualize the real setting and just how still your cat really was. The journal is lovely it will be a pleasure to see yours. Congrats on the cresendoh spread, you did a great job and you fully deserve to be there.

Kristin Dudish said...

Where to start? (This post is so chock full of good stuff!)

Your sketch of TJ is fantastic - you captured the position of his head perfectly! (I've seen that look before :) )

Your page for Nelly's journal is wonderful - so beautiful and heartfelt... love it. (And a circle journal sounds like a fun idea - I'm looking forward to seeing all of the pages)

Yay!!! You definitely deserve to be featured in a best of art journaling collage! (You do it with such style!)

I think I got it all - great post :)


Teddi said...

hooray heather! u deserve it happy art girl!

Heather said...

Ok ,LOVE the reminds me of my Sunshine, he must be up there with TJ having a ball.
You really captured the essence of the cat, purrrfectly!
congratulations on the feature!!!!! I must check it out! you definitely deserve it. you are so talented! I love seeing talented people succeed! excellent, xooo
enjoy your day!

Morph Waffle said...

Your car drawing is beautifully adorable! Your second piece is lovely and also congrats, very cool for you.

Julia Christie said...

Love this sketch - what a sweet kitty! Gongrats on being featured - I cannot wait to see your finished journal!!


WrightStuff said...

Right now I have one puss cat with two paws on my knee thinking about climbing up and another sitting next to me all content. You captured such personality in this piece. Great job. Congratulations again on your appearance in Crencendoh

EVA said...

Wow Heather!

I love your sketch! How great of both TJ and the fishie.

I am looking so forward to seeing your journal!! Nelly's last page was so beautiful and sweet especially from mother to daughter.

I am playing around with my art journal but it seems so pedantic compared to your pages. Ah, well - it evolves. Looking forward to hearing more about your experiences.

And - congratulations!

Lenora said...

Teo such very different pieces. I can see that cat's thoughts!

jywheeler said...

The cat is wonderful! I agree with Lenora, you can almost see it's thoughts! Congratulations to you!

Christine said...

great memory of TJ! congrats on finishing your circle journal.

Shayla said...

Oh that sketch with your cat and the goldfish is adorable. I'm sorry he isn't here anymore...I love cat's and dog's personalities...they are so funny.

Kristin Aquariann said...

Great tribute to your kitty! What a cute memory to cherish. ^.^

Lovely journal page, too. Congratulations on the feature!!

Helen said...

Fabulous sketch - you really have captured the scene and a great tribute to your cat. Thanks for sharing.

Teri said...

I love your cat. So much personality.
Congrats on your honor!!

Debbie said...

Congrats on being featured, what a great honor! I love your kitty sketch and journal page. xoxo

Nicola said...

I love way you've captured your cat's pose, brilliant sketch!! Congratulations too on being featured that's so exciting. I love your journal page too!!!!

Kate Robertson said...

The cat and fishbowl are wonderful. I can really imagine that in real life. So much fun.

Gumnut said...

I really love your sketch! You have a lovely energy in your line work and the cat is about ready to pounce :D and the shared expressions on the fish and cat, gorgeous.

The journal concept is an interesting one and I like what you did with it.

Thanks so much for sharing.

(finally getting out and about to see some friends' work :D)

Tammie Lee said...

Heather, these are both wonderful!! I will go and take a look at the blog post with you in it! Yea

Jenny said...

You have captured a moment soooo perfectly, a mixture of mild fascination with "now how can I get in there and grab you"!heehee! LOVE it!! :)
The circle journal idea sounds so lovely too and your piece for Nelly's is simply beautiful. Your piece really reaches out and touches :)
ps. Yayyy for the feature too...I'm away to check it out! :)x

Paula J said...

Love that cat-I was just reminiscing about my cat Winnie. I caught her eating a strand of spaghetti out of the strainer-she was slurping it up like a little kid. It was so funny and cute that I stood there watching her for 5 minutes.

Dandelion and Daisy said...

Great drawing and fun and enjoyable blog. I'm glad I've discovered you, consider me your Follower.

Vanilla said...

These are so beautiful, you have a lovely style that makes my face light up with joy :) Thanks for stopping by my blog and leading me back here to see such beautiful works of art, so glad I came across your work!

Virtual Boy said...

Aww... Rest in peace TJ... =( The illustration of him is adorable~
Beautiful journal image too!

Jenn Bower said...

sorry about TJ. We just lost my 19 year old Butterscotch on Tuesday. He too was a great one and it is amazing how they live on in our hearts. Your paintings are amazing. Visual eyecandy and your sketch is so uber-realistic. I have great appreciation for those skills. I could never master realism.

Kat Sloma said...

Congrats on your feature! That is so exciting! I love, love, love your cat sketch. Wonderful way to remember a beloved pet. Visiting from CED today, and I'm so glad I stopped by!

carolyn said...

Loving your Sunday sketch! I have so got to start remembering to do mine before Wednesday of the following week! :D

And it is a wonderful tribute to a beloved kitty. Having lost my own this last fall, it touched me!

GalleryJuana said...

Congratulations on your feature.
I love your sketch of TJ. Beautiful tribute to him.

TJ said...

Beautiful cat sketch! I'd like to profess that anything named TJ is super cool...!! What a lovely outcome in his (her?) memory.
Best wishes from
Tj in germany...

Unknown said...

I love the picture of the cat and the goldfish. I think It's important to have some memory left of the lost and dear ones. Tomorrow is my cat Mimi going to heaven.......I must do a memory thing too about her so i never forget her :-)