Thursday, August 18, 2011

New Painting and Don't forget Cresendoh Next Week!!!!

To be nobody but yourself -- in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else -- means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; never stop fighting.
~ee cummings~

All my life I have tried to conform. But never could quite do it!!! I was always the rebel.  Just a little off. Never wanting to be and do what other people wanted me to do. So stubborn.  I am so glad I did not conformed. I have lived quite a colorful life! (And I'm not done yet!) So much color to be added to it!!! Life is great!!!
Do something this week that you have always wanted to do but was different from what everyone else does! Try it!
I know I will. This week is my Birthday Week and I am going to do something unique. Not sure what. But something different!

Please visit Paint Party Friday hosted by Kristin and Eva! 

Also don't forget about my Guest Curator Spot starting Monday at Cresendoh!!!!
Our very own Kristin Dudish and Nelly Eisenhower(My little girl) is one of my featured artists!
Don't forget to leave a comment!


Netty said...

Loving your amazing collage and its a great painting Heather. Happy PPF, Annette x

GlorV1 said...

Hi Heather. Love your spirit! I don't know what day your b/day is, but just in case I miss it, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope you do something that is going to be so different that you will never forget about this b/day. I love your latest painting, it's awesome. Great job! Happy PPF!

Jen @Sadie Inspired said...

Wow! She is so pretty and detailed. I am looking forward to seeing you on CRESCENDOh! :)

Norma Soulet (AZArtist) said...


Love this piece. You are creating lovely pieces.

sugar Creek said...

so beautiful! Love all her detail!

Anonymous said...

She's lovely, Heather. Happy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day!

Theresa said...

Hey birthday girl! Love her~ I'll be looking forward to seeing you on Cresendoh. Have a great weekend!

Cameron said...

Just look at her strong, serene face! So sure of colorful! Simply beautiful :)

Have a fantastic Birthday...filled with all your favorite (and newly discovered favorite) things!

Valerie-Jael said...

Gorgeous painting, she is so serene and happy. Good luck with next week, too! Hugs, Valerie

Nicola said...

Oh Heather she is lovely!!! I always get excited to see what you will be showing each week and this one is another beauty!! I love your style, so very uniquely you!! Well done!

Nicola said...

oh Doh!!! I also meant to wish you a Happy Birthday!!!! xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Oh, wow, I'm making dolls with feathers in their hair. We must of linked into something here!
Your painting is awesome and very beautiful! I too am glad you lived to share such colours and wonder!

WrightStuff said...

Hey Happy Birthday for this week - I'll be intrigued to hear what this unique adventure will be - do share once it's happened!!

This lady looks like she knows a thing or two about the ways of the world. Very wise and noble.

SHERI COOK said...

Early HAPPY BIRTHDAY greetings to you. I love e.e.cummings! And your art is splendid as always! Here's to you being you and finding that something special to do this week in honor of you! HAPPY PPF!

Victoria said...

Wow Heather..she is FABULOUS! Stunning deeply meaningful and empowering!

We are kindreds..i have always been the black sheep..rebel and different...but i love that! Glad you have embraced your unique nature!!This piece speaks is very potent..and the power-feathers emanate such Freedom and Knowing your own truth..and thinking for oneself ..such empowerment! I love the foliage ..the meditative style mandalas and feathers around her...awesome!!

Heather said...

Well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY week - I would love to know you! You sound like an amazing and positive person! really full of happy energy and life....I love this says Autumn, to me....
I have not heard of Cresendo - i must check it out! what exactly is it?
have a great fantastic wonderful birthday!!!!

Crystal said...

Oh Heather she is just gorgeous! Hope you have a very Happy Birthday and so something really special! :-)

Kat W said...

I love this painting - so full of imaginative detail & vibrancy. I also really like the accompanying quote. Wonderful entry for this week's PPF!

Happy Birthday! Enjoy your week!

Kat :-)

Unknown said...

I love all the detail you've put into this her expression is perfect- almost a combination of pride and defiance.....and I think it's wonderful how each of the feathers at the top are different but has it's own place- much like us artists who differ from the norm, but somehow manage make our own way....Happy Birthday- and have fun celebrating being yourself!

Christine said...

she's beautiful in her stunning headdress! wow.
and happy birthday this week!

Kristin Dudish said...

Wheee!!! Happy Birthday Week!!!

Your beautifully colorful spirit shines through in all that you do :)

I love how you've incorporated the text into this painting! (and her headdress - wow!)

I'm looking forward to seeing you on Cresendoh (and am so, so honored that you've included me - thank you)!


carlarey said...

What a wonderful painting. I thought the regular version was really beautiful, but then I clicked and looked at the larger one, it's even more amazing.

Enjoy your birthday celebrations.

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderfully done ~ Love you art style! thanks~
Carol (Share the Creative Journey) Happy PPF

Unknown said...

Hi Heather, love the painting and happy birthday week. I've never managed to conform totally, I heard my Grandmother telling someone once that I was an artist so it explained alot... both ladies sighed and ummed in agreement....just made me laugh.... have a good weekend

Joni Nickrent said...

Happy Birthday Week to you! Awesome painting and amazing message! Great work! POP ART MINIS

Anne Butera said...

Happy Birthday! I hope it is a fabulous day for you! :)

So exciting about the guest spot. I'll be traveling this coming week, but will try to stop by and say hello.

Your painting is lovely and that's a great quote. I agree with you entirely about the conforming thing.

Happy PPF!

Anonymous said...

she's beautiful. i love the colours and her fabulous headdress! i hope you have a great birthday week and keep on living life to the fullest! i love your attitude!

Beyond to Better Things said...

Awesome! We weren't made to be cookies spit out by the same cookie cutter shape! We were all created to be individuals! I'm a bit quirky! I'm just "me"!

Beyond to Better Things said...

And, all of your work is beautiful, too!

Melisa said...

OK, this is my favorite of your girls so far. I've probably said that before, but this one is it!

True Self Studio said...

Beautiful Beautiful Work! Thank goodness for the rebel in all of us who choose to let the freedom of who we are out in such artistic ways. :)

Bren Graham Thebeau said...

I love it, a B-Day Week! You go girl, we will be waiting to hear what you got up to, in the meantime I'm going to work on some fun myself.

Julie said...

Happy birthday! Another gorgeous piece, I love her eyes. And great quote too.

Geckostone said...

Your words ring so true for me too, Heather!!! I just adore all of your paintings but I think this one is my fave so far!!! I just love her headdress of feathers!!! Happy birthday and happy PPF!!! Deb

EVA said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Heather! I hope you have a wonderful day, (week) and year!

She is gorgeous and I love that quote! Wonderful!!

Fallingladies said...

love it! and I will try to do something out of the norm this week too! Great thought!

Leovi said...

Beautiful portrait, I love the colors and the serenity of gaze.

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

She is wonderful! I just adore your faces. :) I'll make sure I'll check you out on Cresendoh.

Kat Sloma said...

Such detail! Just great. Congrats on Crescendoh! Way to go!

Sadee Schilling said...

Oh my goodness Heather, I love your work. Thank you for your kind comment on my blog this week--we both wrote about being ourselves! The e.e. cummings quote is beautiful and powerful.

Faye said...

Heather, she is absolutely stunning! What a talent you have!

Elisa Choi said...

Heather, I so love your entry today. The beautiful woman and the wordings! Like you I am trying not to conform but sometimes I struggle with being myself. I have to be true to myself and I think that's the only thing that matters because everything will just follow. Thanks for the inspiration.

Unknown said...

So happy to have found you through CED - your work is fantastic! so inspired. Happy Birthday!!!

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Oh, happy belated birthdayweek wishes!
Love your girls´expressions.

Gerri Herbst said...

Oh Heather,
this is incredible. I do adore your style. Glad to be back and creating again.Happy Belated BDay. take care, gerri