Friday, August 5, 2011

Magic is Everywhere!

Magic is Everywhere!

I truly believe that magic is everywhere!

 It's in the way the trees are when I am laying outside on my lounge and i look up.

It is in the way the full moon looks on the ocean.

It's in the way Lulu digs her scarf out of the pile of wash.

Its in the way Steve gives me that special smile just for me.

Its in the way it feels when it rains on a really hot day.

Its in the way when I watch a butterfly fluttering all around my head.

Its in the way I feel when all my sisters come and we sit around laughing.

Its in the way I see my father flourishing at 83.

Its in the way I see my daughter Nelly with her little family.

So many ways. I could go on and on.

I am so grateful for the magic!

Think about all the magic that is around you.  Even if you are having a tough time of it you can always find some magic. It will help you make it through.

Look for what you can find?

Please visit Paint Party Friday and check out all the magical artists.


GlorV1 said...

I love your magic of things. Beautiful words and a beautiful painting. She is just awesome and full of magic. Happy PPF!

Unknown said...

Thank you Heather. That is just what I needed right now.
Your artwork is gorgeous.
Kyles =D

Valerie-Jael said...

Thanks for sharing your lovely picture and your thoughts! Valerie

Andrea C said...

She is absolutely lovely and so is your little outlook on life. This might sound silly but the painting looks as if it is so soft and smooth, very excellent work x

Anonymous said...

Heather, she is just beautiful-i would love her colouring-that gorgeous peachy skin and those amazing green eyes! i love your post-you're right, magic is everywhere, we just need to renember to see it and appreciate it!

Unknown said...

I love your magic I have lots too thank you for bringing the magic in to my day. I think your paintings are so beautiful even more magic to see ;0) Dxx

Nicola said...

What a lovely post and a great message. She is stunning! Love that pose and her hair, cute cheeks!!! I really love the background too, I'd like to concentrate more on my backgrounds I love yours!!! :0)

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Life is all about magical moments. And we have to make them happen ourselves. Gorgeous painting and a message. :)

Anonymous said...

She's so gorgeous!

Diane said...

Your magic makes me smile and realize to love all of the small things in my life...which I do now!!
P.S. I love how your magic comes out in your art

Geckostone said...

Heather thats so cool that you talked about magic being everywhere because I was just thinking about that yesterday on my way to work. The sunrise was so gorgeous, then I started thinking about other wonderful things and people in my life and before long I was actually anxious to get to work and see all my friends and do the soldering! It was really neat how it just snowballs when ya start thinking about magic, it really IS everywhere!!! Your painting as usual just takes my breath away. I LOVE the butterfly ears!!! Deb

carol l mckenna said...

Heather ~ love your art style ~ so well done and I too believe in Magic! What a wonderful 'poem' you did ~ Happy PPF ~ Carol from Share the Creative Journey ~ ^_^

carlarey said...

Beautiful painting, and lovely post. I needed to read that this morning.

EVA said...

Very magical painting and words you wrote!

There is indeed magic everywhere.


Unknown said...

Hear hear...the magic is all around us...we just need to relax and's as you say, in the everyday things that make us smile... Love your lady she so pretty.... :)

Bren Graham Thebeau said...

Yup, the magic is there. Loved your post, feel the same way when my sister's and I get together and seeing my grown children forming their own magic

Faye said...

Your painting is so beautiful, Heather.

Netty said...

Loving her beautiful eyes and a beautiful painting. Happy PPF, Annette x

Julie said...

Yes, I believe magic is everywhere too! Love your thoughts and your art...always beautiful and magical!

Unknown said...

Hi Heather!!!! I love this piece and I do believe in magic!!! Wishing you a wonderful weekend and Happy PPF!!!

Anne Butera said...

Wonderful post! I've been thinking about that a lot (and writing about it on my blog). Finding beauty around you every day, even when you're feeling down.

Your painting is lovely!

Happy Paint Party Friday!!

WrightStuff said...

Here's to a bit of magic every day :)

SHERI COOK said...

Your work is magical! Loved your thoughts and art today. A bright spot for any who visit today! HAPPY PPF!

Fallingladies said...

love her green eyes and shirt, and wonderful theme, I love searching for the magic!

Cre8tiveQueen said...

Great post! And I love your girl! Have a magical weekend!

Melisa said...

So pretty, and I really love the one below this one!

Denise Mulligan said...

Another beautiful girl and yes you just have to look for the magic and puff it's here.
Thanks for reminding me Heather.

Jaime Haney said...

We live in a magical world, how nice for you to slow down and notice... not always easy, but so necessary. I love to marvel at magical things in my life not unlike yours :) All your beautiful paintings have just the sweetest faces.

Now that my tomato sauce fiasco is behind me (thank God!) I can focus on more magical things... like how in the hell did 2 five gallon buckets full of tomatoes make only 3 and 3/4 quarts of sauce?????

Elisa said...

your ladies drawing are always great to look at. very fancy and beautiful! love the texture around her

Happy Mama (Lisa Gonzalez) said...

I love your spirit, Heather. And your beautiful ladies are just amazing! Thanks for sharing your art and heart with us.

nanke's stuff said...

What a wonderful post! I love your painting, especially the butterflies. nancy

schulmanart said...

your art reminds me of Kelly Rae Ronerts---is she an influence?

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

*Happy smile*
Drooling at the background, truly rich in colour and texture. Love the light in her face.

angelself said...

So cute =) Thanks for the magical thoughts! Kathryn

Joni Nickrent said...

This is beautiful, striking and bold! LOVE IT! POP ART MINIS

Sinderella's Studio said...

absolutely LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cheers, dana

mariasangel said...

You, your art and your words are beautiful!! May the magic in everything always touch you!

Foxxkwx said...

Life is all about magical moments. And we have to make them happen ourselves. Gorgeous painting and a message. :)