Hi Everyone! I have been trying to get some sketches done but this week has been a little hectic. Trying to get some business stuff done. I am in a bit of a slump. But no worries..... I will get out of it. I really have to start practicing the human form. So this is my sketch for the week. I hope no one is offended??? I don't see why?? Its just a body.
Also everyone should pop over to Sunday Sketches hosted by Sophia and check out all the other artists.
See you soon!!!!
just a body.....
But a great one!!
Hope you get out of the slump and come party and paint with us on Friday, Heather!
Nicely proportioned and a great body (in every sense - I'm jealous of that stomach!)
wow, a nude. Great job, I'm ok with it!
Beautifully done, Heather. I agree with lisa, love that flat stomach...hee! Great job! sorry to hear about the slump... you'll come out of it! I always look at it like a cycle, when we are creative....some days we've got 100 ideas and the next zilch....don't worry it will pass - have a great sunday!
I wish I could do the human form... I have a sketch I started probably 7 years ago that I am afraid to tackle... yours is awesome.
I just love life forms - the human body is so beautiful! So sorry you are in a slump, but love the positive attitude - heather is right, it does go in cycles...I am trying to reclaim my creative self right now, as I'm worn out with so much creating to tell you the truth...taking a little break feels good.
great sketch. I am off to exercise!!!
Very well done and nicely proportioned :)
Great figure drawing, something one can never get enough practice in!
Great sketching. I hope your slump is short lived. I think its great to get out of comfort zones and to stretch creatively. Have a lovely week ahead! ~Theresa
Figure drawing is such a great way to exercise your artist muscles - and yours is beautiful. I try to go to life drawing sessions whenever I can.
Hi Heather this is a beautiful sketch, gorgeous lines and the pose it great, love how she's leaning on her hip. Figure drawing is so great I haven't done it in ages and really should it's such a great exercise!
Hi Heather, brilliant nude... wish my bod looked like that.... I haven't done a nude drawing in years and was thinking the other day I should do some... need to find a class or will subject...
As I get ready to head back to finish up my studio art degree, I dug out the charcoal nudes I did 20 years ago. Working with human form is a great exercise!
I missed sunday sketches the week you did this and glad I caught a glimpse of it.
Well done!
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