Thursday, March 31, 2011



"Be aware that you are pure consciousness.
You are not lonely or lost or abandoned.
You are one with all life
You are pure spirit"
- Louise Hay-

Artfest here we come!!!!!

I just wanted to let you know that I will not be around for awhile. I should be back by April 13 and be blogging about my trip to Artfest 2011
I will be taking classes with Lynne Perrella, Roxanne Padgett, Misty Mawn.  I am sooooo excited.  I need to get away!!!  I believe this will be such a different experience then the first. I will not be the newbie anymore. I won't be so nervous. I did not know what to expect.  People don't realize that I am very shy in the inside.  And when I say that people laugh!! But it is true! I'm not kidding!  Inside I feel all scared and shy.  So I make up for it with my humor. I know how to make people laugh.  I think I found out early on with my parents the way to get them to notice me was by making them laugh.  Well that is another story best saved for another time......

Life is Good!!!

And don't forget to check out the Art on Paint Party Friday!


Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Have fun at the Artfest! :) I'm excited for you. And I love the spirit painting. All that scrible is amazing!

Diane said...

So exciting--please take lots of photos--Lynne Perrella!! I'm so jealous--wish I was going!

SHERI COOK said...

Love your PPF entry today. Wishing you lots of fun and connections at the ArtFest!

Hybrid J said...

Love all the "white" details. Great work. Have a great time at ArtFest. ;)

GlorV1 said...

Oh, have fun at the ArtFest. Wish they held that out this way. Great painting, she is a beauty.

Crystal said...

She is just lovely! Have fun at the Artfest! :-)

Heather said...

Have a great time at Artfest, Heather - it must be a heather thing, because I am shy too...i do the same, use my humor to make up for it! You go get them and keep your shyness in your backpocket! Your art is awesome!!! This lady is beautiful, i love her cozy turtleneck sweater! good luck! xoxo

Christine said...

have a great trip, you're shy? who knew!

Your painting's lovely.

Louise said...

Love this painting - the woman's pale skintones and the reds around her. Hope you have a brilliant time away!

Teddi said...

well ms. heather have a delightful time at artfest (whooo hooo 4 u). shy grl B gone, ha! ;)

Theresa said...

I am so excited for you and wish I could of attended artfest! I love all your girls color amidst the browns and green, she has such spirit!

Norma Soulet (AZArtist) said...

The painting with all the scribbles is great! Have fun at ArtFest. Can't wait to hear all about it. :)

EVA said...

This is gorgeous Heather!

I hope you have a super fun time and tell us all about it when you get back!

Pam Tucker said...

LOVED this painting! Gorgeous face... Have fun at ArtFest. Can't wait to hear all about it!

WrightStuff said...

Have a wonderful trip, sounds fab. I've got my retreat coming up soon too.

Love this painting - the white text really makes it.

Jenny said...

You always manage to create such a wonderful sparkle in your girls eyes...a reflection of you own i am certain..shy or not! A beautiful painting, reminds me of the victorian era....very atmospheric!
I hope you have a wonderful time at the retreat..sounds like its going to be amazing. :)x

Kristin Dudish said...

I can't wait to hear all about it :)
(I am also quite shy - art and humor has always been my way to deal with it)

Your painting is beautiful with such glorious details... love, love, love.


Abela said...

A lovely piece and I love the contrast of red, good luck with your new adventure. Greetings

Marlene said...

Your submission today is brilliant, she is just beautiful. Have fun at Artfest.

Unknown said...

Gorgeous- I love all the white, it really makes her sparkle!
Have fun at Artfest you lucky girl!
Happy PPF,

Anne Butera said...

I love, love, love this painting!

How exciting to be going to Artfest! Can't wait to hear all about it and see all the wonderful work you create.

Melisa said...

Oh, she's a beauty! Have fun at Artfest, even though I'm jealous, LOL.

ger chouinard said...

Heather - LOVE this piece ... perfect words! Enjoy every bit of ARTFEST 2011!

Carola Bartz said...

Love the "pure spirit" painting! Enjoy Artfest - I am envious and know at the same time that I probably would never go because I'd feel small and not in the right place.

Anonymous said...

ArtFest!!! How fun. I've always wanted to go. Please give us all the details when you get back. I know what you mean about being shy...I'm actually the same way. It takes me awhile to open up. Have lots of fun! :-)

Carrie Martinez said...

Heather, this is an amazing piece! The vibrant colors with the white outline and all over the reflection of Spirit...her long neck signifying her upliftment. Oh, these colors! The way you added little touches of cool tones amidst the reds...just perfect! Plus I love the wisdom of Louise Hay. I too am shy, though no one would guess, and yes humor absolutely helps when the nerves start :)..Have a great time at Artfest

Victoria said...

Hi gorgeous! Wonderfully unique energy to your work..she is outstanding and radiant...shine on..fabulous!

...and beautiful quote to accompamy your inspiring work!
Happy PPf!

Priti Lisa said...

Love your PPF...a journal page?
Louise Hay is an amazing person, I still get something out of her books and my copies are 20 yrs old. Best of times at the ArtFest!

Anonymous said...

This is stunning. I have no idea why especially because i've never even been, but this totally makes me think of New Orleans! I love the colours and the writing.

Kat W said...

Gorgeous painting - I love the colours used, all the creative detail and words. Beautiful!

Thanks for visiting my blog and taking a look at TIC TOCC - good to 'meet'you via PPF.

Hope you have a fabulous time at Artfest - it sounds like it will be great. I'd like to do something like that.

Kat :-)

Mary Hysong said...

Thank you for your comments on my blog on my first PPF! Love Louise Hay, Also Jerry & Ester Hicks & Abraham ;-) Really revving my life up these days! Love your work, where is Artfest?

Anonymous said...

You have a real talent with showing depth and emotion in eyes!

Netty said...

This is such a great painting and wish I was at ArtFest with you...........sob sob. Annette x

angelself said...

Great painting with a fabulous message. I love it! Have a wonderful time at Artfest =) Kathryn

Sinderella's Studio said...

cheers, dana

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Enjoy! Looking forward to the pictures, the stories and the paintings.

carolyn said...

Hoping you have an amazing and inspirational trip!

gatheringwonder said...

incredible painting