"Be aware that you are pure consciousness.
You are not lonely or lost or abandoned.
You are one with all life
You are pure spirit"
- Louise Hay-
Artfest here we come!!!!!
I just wanted to let you know that I will not be around for awhile. I should be back by April 13 and be blogging about my trip to Artfest 2011
I will be taking classes with Lynne Perrella, Roxanne Padgett, Misty Mawn. I am sooooo excited. I need to get away!!! I believe this will be such a different experience then the first. I will not be the newbie anymore. I won't be so nervous. I did not know what to expect. People don't realize that I am very shy in the inside. And when I say that people laugh!! But it is true! I'm not kidding! Inside I feel all scared and shy. So I make up for it with my humor. I know how to make people laugh. I think I found out early on with my parents the way to get them to notice me was by making them laugh. Well that is another story best saved for another time......
Life is Good!!!