Thursday, March 13, 2014



Know first who you are; And then adorn yourself accordingly

It has taken me time to realize who I am as a person.   Everyday it changes. I think I know what I am doing and who it is I want to be.  
I think maybe that is what life is.  It is a long journey and we get to change and grow everyday. 

Then I think how do you define a person???
Is it the way they dress? 
Is it what material things they have accumulated? 
Is it there religion?
 Is it there political views? 
Is it their status in their community?

I don't think it is. I think how you define a person is how they treat other people.
Do they treat their family members with respect?
Do they make you feel good when you speak to them?
Do they treat people that are down and out with respect?
Are they kind to animals? (Important one for me)
Every person needs respect.
Everyday I learn something new about how to treat people and how I want to be remembered when I am gone.  I am getting better at this as I get older. 
I am not saying I am a perfect person....Far from it!
But I have to say that everyday I try to make an effort in being mindful on how I speak to people.
Not always successful! (I forget my filter..)
I try to listen to what I say. 
I try to be open minded. (Key words)
I try not to be so opinionated.
Which is very difficult for me sometimes because I come from a line of strong women. 

(With lots of opinions. And we all have different ones. Hence, the loudness on Wednesday nights when we all get together and sit around the dining table and talk things out.  We have been doing this for many many years. Not always pretty but it is necessary for all of us.) 

Everyday is a new day.  You can decide how you want to live it.  

Go out and see what you can do to make someone else's day better.

I hope everyone is doing great and that they are having a wonderful week. 

Happy St Patricks Day to all of you.
I am going to drink a green beer and listen to some Irish Music this weekend!
Wooo Hooo!!!



Sue Marrazzo Fine Art said...

So inspiring!!
Thanks, Heather ( :
Enjoy the Green Beer!

GlorV1 said...

Enjoy the green beer and this was definitely an inspiring post. Enjoy the rest of the week and Happy PPF!

Christine said...

beautiful painting! Happy St Patrick's Day!

froebelsternchen said...

wonderful Heather!
This is awesome - happy GREEN BEER!

PaintingWrite said...

What a beautiful painting-you always create such luminous skin and such vibrant colours. A great and insightful post as well and I agree with it entirely.

Netty said...

Respect is the key most definitely. Great painting and enjoy your green beer. Happy PPF, Annette x said...

Wonderful work, I love all the detail you put into your pieces

Anne Butera said...

Hi, Heather! It's lovely stopping by your blog again. It's been too long! So glad to be celebrating PPF's 3rd birthday!

Your paintings are always so lovely and this one is absolutely gorgeous.

Have a great St. Patrick's day!!

Unknown said...

Such a gorgeous painting. Takes me to wild landscapes and african cultures. You're thoughts are very inspiring. It's good to think what's important in life and to know yourself.


Helen Campbell said...

I like Adorn, all the patterns and textures. I like your attitude also. It is so important to treat all things with respect, and also important to be around people who treat all things with respect. Thanks for sharing.

Linda Kunsman said...

"Adorn" is just mesmerizing Heather! wonderful and thoughtful post. And a Happy St Patty's Day! I too will be celebrating this weekend in town for many festivities-and I 'll have a beer with you:)

Giggles said...

I could have said these words verbatim, seriously I feel the same way about all of it!! The character of a human being is so important, I too try to edit my strong woman syndrome especially as I get older...many of my friends do too!!
How people treat animals and the most vulnerable people is key to character in my eyes! Stunning artwork too! Love the quote! Excellent post!

You my dear are the evolution of a beautiful soul!!

Hugs Giggles

Carol said...

Happy St. Patty's Day to you too!!!! I don't drink beer but I'll have a glass of green wine with ya or maybe a Vodka and Lime drink..yes that's the one :) Love the painting and the inspirational post ♥♥♥♥♥

Annabelle said...

Nice work Heather. To respect one another is without doubt something we all should do.
Happy Saint Pat's

Annabelle: )

Julie said...

All of your faces are always so beautiful! I love your variety in all of your paintings.

denthe said...

Beautiful painting and beautiful words to accompany it! Cheers to getting older and wiser ... ;-)
And enjoy St. Patricks'Day!

Saskia said...

Beautiful work!!

Smiles, Saskia

Maria Medeiros said...

Very beautiful! Happy PPF!

Sreeja said...

Wonderful....loved the lively work...

Fourborne said...

Love your art and words, inspiring.

Nadya said...

such a great way of expressing deep truths!
& a wonderful painting.

Kat W said...

I'm visiting your blog via Creative Every Day & enjoying my visit. Your 'Adorn' picture is stunning - I love it - vibrant and heartening especially when coupled with the words in your post.

Kat :-)