Thursday, February 2, 2012

New Mixed Media Painting

" When you are joyful, when you say yes to life and have fun and project positivity all around you, you become a sun in the center of every constellation and people want to be near you"

I love this quote it is from the book "Much to do about Loving" by Jack Murnighan and Maura Kelly.  I saw the quote in the O Magazine. I just loved it. I am going to make a big painting with this quote on it and hang it on my kitchen wall so I can read it every morning before I leave the house to remind me.
So true.

And now some of the process
Steve cuts wood for me and it is primed.
Pick out the colors. I tend to gravitate to these colors. Red, Green and Cream
Throw some paint on the wood.  Add some paper and texture.

Make my own stencils

Make more textures

Paint the face and the first signs of flowers

Figuring out what flowers and where I want to place them. I cut out many different flowers. Not all of them made it.
More paper flowers and more painting.


 I hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!
If you have time go and visit all the artist at Paint Party Friday!


Sunshineshelle said...

I am in awe, totally fantastic, you are amazing - love the way this sort of just freaking BLOOMED into an awesome piece of art - great stuff!!!

Helen Campbell said...

Your painting is spectacular! I love seeing your process. Thanks for the quote also, it is something I needed to hear again today. Cheers!

Christine said...

beautiful mixed media! thanks for showing your process!

Martha from ilove2paint said...

What a great quote, and so true! My mom always said something very similar (with no constellations!) What a nice portrait too, lots of details!

lazy_turtle said...

you're so talented. make your own stensil is such a good idea. thank you for sharing!


Mandy said...

Oh...that quote is amazing and i love your face radiating happiness and

Unknown said...

Gorgeous piece!! Loved seeing the process!!

Anonymous said...

wow, this is beautiful and it's always so interesting to see the process step by step! your ladies always have such a beautiful sense of serenity about them.

by the way, i often try to leave a comment but for some reason my work computer won't let me so i'm getting it in on my tab while i get a chanxe!

Clare said...

Love the quote too. Your painting is wonderful - filled with detail and layers that excite the eyes and fill the soul up with good stuff.

Netty said...

Fabulous mixed media piece of art. x

Ginny said...

Your piece was so beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing the process. I learned so much by reading it.

Mary C. Nasser said...

Just gorgeous, Heather!
Thank you for showing us your process. I am a big fan of your work.
Love that the face is off-center in the composition and the focal point moves about the wonderful arrangement of flora!
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art

Anonymous said...

this is amazing, truly amazingly beautiful, you are a real talent you are, I love it, thankyou so much for sharing and the step by step is wonderful I love to see the process, my hat is off to you, such creativity!

Nordljus said...

What a wonderful quote! Love all the details in your beautiful painting! Happy PPF!

Valerie-Jael said...

Absolutely fantastic, thanks for sharing the whole process, too! Valerie

Crystal said...

Just gorgeous work! And I love how you showed your process! :-)

Maria Ontiveros said...

Love to see the in process shots, too!TFS,

faye said...

Heather, this is wonderful. I love how you cut your own stencils. I had scrolled down to the 3rd from the end and thought, this really needs something in the lower righthand corner. When I scrolled to the bottom, there was that gorgeous flower and design exactly where it should be.

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful.. and so fun.. I love the entire thing.. I also love the saying that you found to go with it.
Pehaps I will use it for one of mine paintings.. It is so true! ♥

Alicia C said...

I absolutely ADORE this piece and seeing how it was made!! great quote too (I wonder why sometimes it's so hard to do what it says... he he he)

Becca said...

Heather, this is just beautiful! Thank you for showing the process. Have a happy weekend!

EVA said...

A beautiful painting Heather and a great quote! Inspiring indeed!

Debbie said...

This is really beautiful. Her face is so nice. It really grounds the rest of the piece. Lovely!!

ANNE said...

wow, I thought you had just painted on scrapbook paper. Great job!!

Elisa Choi said...

what a bright and hopeful painting, Therese! I love your process!

DVArtist said...

This is so beautiful. I love your process. The face is painted perfectly. Very nice art.

Jaime Haney said...

Wow that is beautiful! I love how you took us through the whole process. The flowers that you've made and added really add so much. I really love your idea about making the quote and putting up in your kitchen. I hope you show us pics of that one, too!
Happy PPF!
xx Jaime

deeplyrootedinbeing said...

Beautiful! I love that you should some photos of your process I. Creating such a beautiful piece! Great job!

Geckostone said...

My,my the wonderful quotes this weekend, this one is fantastic! Your painting is brilliant and the process so fascinating! I love your wonderful detail! Deb

Marjie Kemper said...

Wow! She is FANTASTIC. Thanks for sharing the BTS photos... so fun to see how it all came together. Glad to find you from Jenny's class. I'm off to become your newest follower.

GlorV1 said...

What a great quote Heather!. Love your girl and the process. You really work hard to get such great effects. Awesome painting.

Gloria j Zucaro said...

What a lovely face your woodland princess has! I love your explanation of all the layers. Are you using Jo Sonya paints? I used to use those when I did acrylic paintings and as I told you will be taking a collage class the end of this month. It says"Fluid acrylics preferred" in the supply list. Right now I have some Utrecht acrylics that are in tubes.

pauline said...

This is SO gorgeous!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I love the colours you chose - those soft greens are so beautiful with the red flowers. Fantastic! And i'm going to check out PPF... (maybe i'll join in on the fun?) xoxo

Beyond to Better Things said...

Fantastic...looks like great fun, too!

jacqueline said...

Darest sweet Heather, this painting is speaking to me! I love the meaning behind this piece and the processs! Thanks so much for sharing...and it was something i needed to hear so much these days. Have a lovely merry happy mid-week and love to you!

Unknown said...

Amazing!!!! such a wonderful color palette. love seeing it in progress too. happy creating xoxo

Unknown said...

Wow, so beautifully ornate. I love all the detail in this.

Unknown said...

Oh this is incredible- and thank you for sharing your process!
Happy Paint Party Friday (a day late;))

HeARTworks said...

Terrific! And I love it when I see the work in progress! I'd like to do that but I keep forgetting to stop and take pictures! Patsy from

Kristin said...

OOOOH! Heather, this is AMAZing! I LOVE what you've done and love seeing your progress. Such gorgeous colors and composition - and I love the found pictures of your Mom too, xo