Hello Everyone!!!
I have been missing in action since the beginning of the year. It is winter time and on the east coast it has been especially a tough winter. With that came a long illness. (since Dec). And with that comes some deep Melancholy. It has caused me to not create as much as I would have liked. I tried very hard to practice. And push myself. I am coming out of the hole at this point. Yayyyyyy!!! I feel so much better and my health is improving.
So with that said, my
word for the year is Engage.(I am a little behind) I have a tendency to go inward and not
engage with people. It is a big flaw with me. I am a bit of an
introvert. I could stay in my studio for days and not talk to people. People that meet me don't believe me when I say that. But it
is true. I am quite Shy, not feeling good enough. I compensate when I meet people by talking to much and being funny. Ask my Daughter and my Sisters. I am trying very hard to get
out of this and take the big leap into socializing but it is so hard for
me. So ENGAGE is my word. And I am going to work really hard at being more social and engaging with my new friends and old friends. Remember that Annie!!! You and me making art!
I am focusing on portraits. It is my biggest passion right now. That is all I am interested in at this time. The more I practice the better I will be. Right? As you know I am a firm believer that you have to put your 10,000 hours in to be an expert.
I am trying to find my own style.
This one makes me laugh because I hate to waste paper and this one I did on top of some silly bug creature I had done awhile ago. It you look close you can still see it.
It took a lot of courage to post this with being absent for so long. But I am feeling the fear and doing it anyway.
I hope you enjoy.
So until we meet again!
Sending much Love!
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind is part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.
Anatole France