Artfest 2011!!! What fun! I have meet and reconnected with a bunch of amazing and talented women!!! What fun we all had learning, laughing!! Shout out to Shonna (My new adopted daughter, don't forget about your art you are too talented!), Rachel and Will(So glad I got to meet the kids and parents, What a treat) Karen(What an amazing person you are), Nancy(My angel), Nancy(Your cake story made me lose my oxygen for a minute, I laughed so hard I almost fainted!)Linda, Barb, Barbara, Francie (you Zumba queen and thank you so much for my snail mail), Gail (I am so glad we connected). And so many others that I can't even name!!! 2nd time around was so different!! It felt like home.
This is the piece I made in Lynne Perella's class. So many different techniques that I would not usually do. Really opened up a lot of other avenues for me as an artist.

This was my most favorite class of Artfest this year!!
Teachers name was Roxanne Padgett.
I loved loved love her!!!
Very personable and generous.
What fun!!
Tracing wheel is a fabulous tool!! Watch out Joanne Fabric's here I come!!
I also did a class with Misty Mawn!! Always love Misty's class. My project was not quite finished. I will show you when I am satisfied with it. I just gessoed over the whole face. So time for a do over! It was a different technique of using Neocolor II Watersoluble Carandache Crayons(Love Love Love these crayons. I use them all the time)
and gesso. Not sure about it yet. I have to keep working with it.
So the best way to show you what happens at Artfest is to show you the art that is made by so many different people
(So for the lack of pictures, I was feeling a bit under the weather and did not take that many pictures this year)
Lana's Wig Class.
Poor Jesse was very patient with us. Funny story, My niece was looking at my blog one day and she saw the picture of Jesse and thought "Why does my Aunt have a picture of Jesse on her blog??? My niece was roomey with Jesse's old girlfriend in college. So she spent alot of time with Jesse and old girlfriend. She had no idea what had happened to him in those years after school. Small world. They got to reconnect again on facebook. So we are trying to take a picture for my niece Keely. We got a little silly. The funny thing was we kept on running into Jesse and Lana in Port Townsend. Really nice people! Such a small world!
Jesse's painting from the Iron Chef challenge.
So many talented artists.
Don't forget to visit Sunday Sketches hosted by Sophia!!!!