Thursday, December 1, 2011

Christmas Owl and Paint Party Friday

Happy Holiday to Everyone!!!

Meet my new holiday Owl!

If you have any suggestions for a name I would appreciate it.

Ok this is the deal if you leave a comment and you are a member of my Google Account I will put the names in a hat and in 2 weeks I will pull out 3 names and they will get a free 8 x 10 print of my little Holiday Owl.

Sounds like a deal!

Had a bit of a rough week.  Thank you all for your well wishes. I know my friend Marilouise is wrapping her arms around all of us.
She was a sweet soul.

And I am so sorry to everyone at Paint Party Friday. I did not get around to anyone.
I will this week though. Thanks again to all of you!


Nelly said...

Ha! It can only be Hootie Clause! Love him!

Becca said...

I love your Christmas owl! A beautiful holiday piece!
So sorry to hear about the loss of your friend.

Tracey FK said...

Ok I have now been sitting here with hands on keyboard trying to think of some witty name for your lovely holiday owl... nada, nothing, I am a complete blank... so I am just going to go with Fred.... doesn't do him justice I know ... xx

Mandy said...

oh...winston...i LOVE this...those eyes look through me...and are giving this very

Valerie-Jael said...

Your Xmas owl is gorgeous! I think Noel would be a nice name for him! Valerie

Diane said...

Your art is always so unique and so is this Christmas owl.
So sorry to hear about the loss of your friend--I hope the rest of this month becomes brighter for you.

carlarey said...

Love everything about this! His expression looks so sweet, and his feathers look so touchable.

SHERI COOK said...

GORGEOUS piece! I love this little owl. Happy PPF!

FLO said...

Hello Heather,I discovered your blog with Paint party Friday. I am French, so excuse my english mistakes!I really love your art full of colors. The litle owl is really beautifull. I love the differents textures.I add me as a member of your blog.

pointypix said...

Oh I love this little fella! He's adorable. I would call him Norman (as in Norman Wisdom who was an English Comedy actor in the 50s/60s - a very tenuous link to the wise old owl thing!)

carol l mckenna said...

OOOOOOOOOOh! Love your owl ~ lovely style you have ~namaste, Carol (Share the Creative Journey) Happy PPF ^_^

GlorV1 said...

Hi Heather. I love your little owl. He is darling, I'm assuming it's a he. I like him for his quiet look and those green eyes reel you in. I'm not sure of a name though....It's like he's looking at us and saying, "I got you all under my spell and I bet you think I'm quiet, hehehehe." I'd call him Jambalaya. Tee hee. Once he stops looking at us, he'll be all over the place. Great work! Happy PPF! Oh my family pet member Chocolatte is a chihuahua/poodle-or a Chipoo. She has a little of a temper but is so lovable and she always has to have her way. :) Have a great weekend.

EVA said...

What a fabulous owl he (she?) is!

How about "HOO HOO HOO" for a title?

Gorgeous eyes!!

Wendy said...

I think Holly would be adorable, since there are sprigs here and there...and she looks so feminine and soft! Now I'm off to look at the Paint Party site....if only I had some supplies on hand...

Carol said...

I'm really loven your owl!!! How about "Santa WHO"
Whatever you name him he is great !!! Love all of the detail.

mimi torchia boothby watercolors said...

your owl is adorable. I am sorry for your loss.
Happy PPF

Abela said...

I think the owl is a girl-owl, then... the name must be Ladynigh. Saludos

Unknown said...

He's such a cutie!

Kristin said...

First of all, I am so sorry to hear about your friend. That must be so difficult and I am thinking of you.
Secondly, l LOVE your Holiday Owl!!! The textures and colors and those eyes! Such a joyful piece - thank you for the opportunity to win a print of her! xoxo

Cameron said...

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss....Life is so short...such amazing friendships we can forge while we are able...

As for your lovely owl, I thought she was a beautiful girl owl...and the name Holly Hoo-liday came to mind....but I see that someone else also suggested Holly...
Perhaps Snowfeather or Winter?
She is very pretty :D

WrightStuff said...

The name Toff seemed to form itself in my mind for this handsome fellow!

Mary C. Nasser said...

I love your owl and hope you pick me!
I am one of your Google followers.
Sorry about your difficult week; glad you are back with us though.

The first name that came to my mind for your owl is Noel. :)
No worries about not being able to follow my blog through Networked blogs...just glad we can connect through PPF each Friday!

Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art

Debbie said...

Snowflake, that is the name I would give this sweet little owl!!! I have always loved your little girls but this is new and I love it!!!
Way to stretch and grown with your talent!!1

Julie said...

SO sorry for your loss. Such a gorgeous owl, I love the whiteness of him/her. A name? How about Snow? (I haven't been able to set up google, I follow through favs)

Natasha said...

I love this owl, so expressive. :)

Daniele Valois said...

oh no you didn't! I am your biggest owl fan ever!!! Oh, wow!!! Looks amazing. Same eyes, yet wintery and festive. Oh, I love him!

Daniele Valois said...

oh, I like Fred too!

Anonymous said...

looks like an Oscar to me, beautiful.

Christine said...

Love your holiday owl, gorgeous eyes! Hope I win!

Pam Tucker said...

Hi Heather. What a gorgeous holiday owl you've painted. I especially love those eyes! They just twinkle ... I would name her (yes, a she) Twinkle. ;)

Anonymous said...

What a happy little Christmas Owl, Heather! I love his gorgeous green eyes. Beautiful and fun. I know he makes me happy just to look at him.

Anonymous said...

Hi Heather; I think Nicky Hoo should be its name. Sorry for your loss wish you peace and love for the season.

Unknown said...

Hi Heather!!!!! I have a special love for owls!!!! and I love love love this Christmas Owl you created made my day!!!!

Wonderful work.....wishing you a wonderful day!!!! and I hope you will pop in for Sweet Saturdays!!!

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Oh, Christmas Owl! :) Looks amazing! Love those eyes. :)

Wini said...

Dear Heather, what a lovely and happy Christmas Owl! Maybe you could call him Hedwig? Sorry to hear that you had a rough week and hope things are better now. Thanks for the lovely giveaway!

Unknown said...

I love all your art pieces, but I especially like your holiday owl!! :(

cyndy said...

BEAUTIFUL! SHE is all adorned for the winter holidays. I would name her JOY because that is what she is spreading!
I'm sorry for the pain you are feeling. May the love and warmth you spread return to you a thousand fold at this time!

Beyond to Better Things said...

Too cute! I just can't seem to get Hootie out of my head because he's a cutie!

Megan Kerr said...

I think he should be "Hoo-liday Hoot" or something along those lines :) Happy Hoo-lidays, Heather! Thanks for the chance to win a copy of him :) I love him!!

Kristin said...

Hi I just wanted to start out saying that I am sorry for your loss, it is never easy and I am sure she is proudly watching you :) Also I wanted to mention that I love love your art, it is all very beautiful. Your owl is adorable and thank you for offering a chance to win this and doing this for others during such a difficult time. Best wishes your way :)

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Breathtakingly beautiful. I want to caress him softly.
{gentle hug} for you.

Heather said...

THIS IS GORGEOUS!!!! I love everything about it...the eyes and the polka dotted branch! oh, so clever!

Jen @Sadie Inspired said...

This is just the sweetest Christmas owl ever! Those eyes are just gorgeous. The green you choose looks perfect. LOVING it!

Elisa Choi said...

A very beautiful owl. Such eyes. Great job!

Denise Phillips said...

Love your owl, and he's different to use for Christmas,
he is a 'wise man' (grin). ox

B @ Sweet Limes said...

I just love owls, they remind me of my grandmother.

Confuzzled Shannon said...

Very cute and different I like it. :-)

A'n'G Johnson said...

This is OH so stunning! How lovely. I am a google friend follower. Happy HOwlidays :)

Bren Graham Thebeau said...

Loving this little gal. We've been blogging buddies for awhile.

Sunny Carvalho said...'s my suggestion "Whooooo's ready for Christmas"!! LOL

Cindy said...

Gosh to come up with a name for a holiday Owl...............Elfie? Merry Christmas to you!

Hugs XX

K said...

Love your owl, he's such a Hootie ;) It would be a great present for my daughter, she collects owls!

So sorry for your loss ...


greenearth50 said...

Oh! your owl is such a lovely! It reminds me of the movie "Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole.

Geckostone said...

Whew, I almost missed this cuz I missed PPF last week, sooooo glad you reminded us this week, I adore your Holiday Owl!!!! Deb

Heidimc said...

I love your owls! This Christmas owl is awesome! He would look great in my house. Just sayin! Thanks for the reminder. I wouldn't want to miss your first giveaway.

madtatter7 aka Linda said...

How cute! How about the name Merlin or Mensa or Einstein (:

Toni Stacey Simpson said...

I collect owls oh please please please pick me!

Unknown said...

he is adorable and his detail exquisite!

Jaime Haney said...

Hootie Clause is a perfect name! I hope I'm the lucky winner :D

I have followed you for a long time, but wasn't sure if it was through Google or just Blogger, so I did it again. If I show up twice, that's why.

Keeping fingers and toes crossed!

p.s. I'm so sorry about your friend

MamanBulle said...

Love this adorable beauty! You are so talented!